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  1. Eu abro o Firefox e outros programas que utiliza a internet e o ícone de rede exibe sem acesso a internet já usei esses dois driver e nao funciona
  2. Como instalar Oneplay da Fluendo no Fedora 31 O que eu devo fazer para instalar?
  3. como eu faço para exibir imagem de projetor ou videolink com o linux debian 9?
  4. Eu vou utilizar o editor de pdf no Linux Debian 9 Eu vou utilizá-lo para editar principalmente texto e raramente usar pra editar imagens Qual vocês me indicam?
  5. Alguém já utilizou o serviço dessas empresas? : Qual é a melhor? Utilizarei o serviço de conserto de placa-mãe
  6. Com 15000 reais da para comprar uma tv 4k grande e o xbox one x junto e sobra dinheiro ainda O xbox one x gera imagem em 4k
  7. A IDE do Netbeans no Linux Debian apresenta o seguinte erro mostrado na foto ao criar o novo projeto em Java Ja tentei desinstalar e reinstalar o Netbeans no Debian e continua o erro
  8. Acabei comprando o Visus TV Extreme USB a alguns meses Funciona bem direito no Windows mas nao consegui fazer funcionar no Linux Debian ainda Os software que acompanha o Visus TV Extreme USB nao possue versao para linux No Windows funciona bem a parte de captura com o aparelho da foto acima Ja pra gravar tv tanto principalmente digital ou analogica é preciso usa-lo com antena externa pata ter bom desempenho Eu sei que o topico é antigo mas agora pode considera-lo encerrado
  9. Esse codigo pertence a um arquivo .pl e queria sabe que aplicativo se executa, eu acho que é mysql mas nao tenho certeza disto ou é Perl Script? Link do procedimento que preciso fazer: Codigo abaixo: #!/usr/bin/perl -w # # # # Restores a backup of the MythTV database. # # For details, see: # --help # Includes use Getopt::Long; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /; # Script info $NAME = 'MythTV Database Restore Script'; $VERSION = '1.0.18'; my @files = <$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}*>; @files = grep(!/.*mythconverg_(backup|restore).*\.pl$/, @files); my $num_files = @files; if ($num_files < 1) { verbose($verbose_level_error, 'ERROR: Unable to find any backup files in'. ' DBBackupDir and none specified.'); } else { my @sorted_files = sort { lc($b) cmp lc($a) } @files; $backup_conf{'filename'} = $sorted_files[0]; $backup_conf{'filename'} =~ s#^$backup_conf{'directory'}/?##; verbose($verbose_level_debug, 'Using database backup file:', "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}"); } } if (!-e "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}") { my $temp_filename = $backup_conf{'filename'}; # Perhaps the user specified some unnecessary path information in the # filename (i.e. using the shell's filename completion) $temp_filename =~ s#^.*/##; if (-e "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$temp_filename") { $backup_conf{'filename'} = $temp_filename; } else { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: The specified backup file does not exist.', "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}"); die("\nInvalid backup filename, stopped"); } } if ((-d "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}") || (-p "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}") || (-S "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}") || (-b "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}") || (-c "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}") || (!-s "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}")) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: The specified backup file is empty or is'. ' not a file.', "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}"); die("\nInvalid backup filename, stopped"); } if (!-r "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}") { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: The specified backup file cannot be read.'); die("\nInvalid backup filename, stopped"); } if (!$mysql_conf{'db_name'}) { verbose($verbose_level_debug, '', "WARNING: DBName not specified. Using $d_db_name"); $mysql_conf{'db_name'} = $d_db_name; } } sub check_config { verbose($verbose_level_debug, '', 'Checking configuration.'); sub connect_to_database { my $use_db = shift; my $show_errors = shift; my $result = 1; my $connect_string = 'dbi:mysql:database='; if ($use_db) { $connect_string .= $mysql_conf{'db_name'}; } $connect_string .= ":host=$mysql_conf{'db_host'}"; $dbh->disconnect if (defined($dbh)); $dbh = DBI->connect($connect_string, "$mysql_conf{'db_user'}", "$mysql_conf{'db_pass'}", { PrintError => 0 }); $result = 0 if (!defined($dbh)); if ($show_errors && !defined($dbh)) { verbose($verbose_level_always, '', 'Unable to connect to database.', " database: $mysql_conf{'db_name'}", " host: $mysql_conf{'db_host'}", " username: $mysql_conf{'db_user'}" ); if ($debug < $verbose_level_debug) { verbose($verbose_level_always, 'To see the password used, please re-run the script '. 'with the --verbose', 'argument.'); } # Connection issues will only occur with improper user configuration # Because they should be rare, output the password with --verbose verbose($verbose_level_debug, " password: $mysql_conf{'db_pass'}"); verbose($verbose_level_always, '', 'Please check your configuration files to verify the'. ' database connection', 'information is correct. The files that are used to'. ' retrieve connection', 'information are prefixed with "parsing" in the "Parsing'. ' configuration files"', 'section of the --verbose output.'); verbose($verbose_level_always, '', 'Also note that any [client] or [mysql] password'. ' specified in the MySQL options', 'file (/etc/my.cnf or /etc/mysql/my.cnf or ~/.my.cnf)'. ' will take precedence over', 'the password specified in the MythTV configuration'. ' files.'); } return $result; } sub is_database_empty { my $result = 1; connect_to_database(1, 1); if (!defined($dbh)) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to connect to database.'); return -1; } if (defined($dbh)) { my $sth = $dbh->table_info('', '', '', 'TABLE'); my $num_tables = keys %{$sth->fetchall_hashref('TABLE_NAME')}; verbose($verbose_level_debug, '', "Found $num_tables tables in the database."); if ($num_tables > 0) { if (!defined($change_hostname) && !defined($partial_restore)) { verbose($verbose_level_debug, 'WARNING: Database not empty.'); } $result = 0; } } return $result; } sub create_initial_database { return 0 if (!$create_database && !$drop_database); my $database_exists = (connect_to_database(1, 0) && defined($dbh)); if ($database_exists) { if ($drop_database && !$create_database) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Refusing to drop the database without'. ' the --create_database argument.', 'If you really want to drop the database, please '. 're-run the script and specify', 'the --create_database argument, too.'); return 2; } } else { if (!$create_database) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: The database does not exist.'); return 1; } } verbose($verbose_level_debug, '', 'Preparing initial database.'); my ($query, $sth); if ($database_exists && $drop_database) { verbose($verbose_level_debug, 'Dropping database.'); connect_to_database(0, 1); if (!defined($dbh)) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to connect to database.'); return -1; } $query = qq{DROP DATABASE $mysql_conf{'db_name'};}; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); if (! $sth->execute()) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to drop database.', $sth->errstr); return -2; } } connect_to_database(0, 1) if (!defined($dbh)); if (!defined($dbh)) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to connect to database.'); return -1; } verbose($verbose_level_debug, 'Creating database.'); $query = qq{CREATE DATABASE $mysql_conf{'db_name'};}; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); if (! $sth->execute()) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to create database.', $sth->errstr); return -4; } verbose($verbose_level_debug, 'Setting database character set.'); $query = qq{ALTER DATABASE $mysql_conf{'db_name'} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;}; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); if (! $sth->execute()) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to create database.', $sth->errstr); return -8; } return 0; } sub check_database_libs { # Try to load the DBI library if available (but don't require it) BEGIN { our $has_dbi = 1; eval 'use DBI;'; if ($@) { $has_dbi = 0; } } verbose($verbose_level_debug, '', 'DBI is not installed.') if (!$has_dbi); # Try to load the DBD::mysql library if available (but don't # require it) BEGIN { our $has_dbd = 1; eval 'use DBD::mysql;'; if ($@) { $has_dbd = 0; } } verbose($verbose_level_debug, '', 'DBD::mysql is not installed.') if (!$has_dbd); return ($has_dbi + $has_dbd); } sub check_database { my $have_database_libs = check_database_libs; if ($have_database_libs < 2) { if ($create_database || $drop_database) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to drop or create the initial '. 'database without Perl database', ' libraries.', 'Please ensure the Perl DBI and DBD::mysql modules'. ' are installed.'); die("\nPerl database libraries missing, stopped"); } if ($change_hostname) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to change hostname without Perl'. ' database libraries.', 'Please ensure the Perl DBI and DBD::mysql modules'. ' are installed.'); die("\nPerl database libraries missing, stopped"); } else { verbose($verbose_level_debug, 'Blindly assuming your database is prepared for a'. ' restore. For better checking,', 'please ensure the Perl DBI and DBD::mysql modules'. ' are installed.'); return 1; } } # DBI/DBD::mysql are available; check the DB status verbose($verbose_level_debug, '', 'Checking database.'); my $initial_database = create_initial_database; if ($initial_database) { return 0; } my $database_empty = is_database_empty; if ($database_empty == -1) { # Unable to connect to database return 0; } if ($change_hostname) { if ($database_empty) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to change hostname. The database'. ' is empty.', ' Please restore a backup, first, then re-run'. ' this script.'); return 0; } } elsif ($partial_restore) { if ($database_empty) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to do a partial restore. The'. ' database is empty.', ' Please run mythtv-setup, first, then re-run'. ' this script.'); return 0; } } else { if (!$database_empty) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to do a full restore. The'. ' database contains data.'); return 0; } } return 1; } sub is_gzipped { # Simple magic number verification. # This naive approach works without requiring File::MMagic or any other # modules. my $result = 0; my $magic_number; my $gzip_magic_number = pack("C*", 0x1f, 0x8b); open(BACKUPFILE, "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}") or return $result; binmode(BACKUPFILE); read(BACKUPFILE, $magic_number, 2); close(BACKUPFILE); return ($gzip_magic_number eq $magic_number); } # Though it's possible to uncompress the file without writing the uncompressed # data to a file, doing so is complicated by supporting the use of # IO::Uncompress::Gunzip /and/ external uncompress programs. Also, # uncompressing the file separately allows for easier and more precise error # reporting. sub uncompress_backup_file { if (($d_uncompress eq $uncompress) || ('gunzip' eq $uncompress)) { if (!is_gzipped) { verbose($verbose_level_debug, '', 'Backup file is uncompressed.'); return 0; } verbose($verbose_level_debug, '', 'Backup file is compressed.'); # Try to load the IO::Uncompress::Gunzip library if available (but # don't require it) BEGIN { our $has_uncompress_gunzip = 1; # Though this does nothing, it prevents an invalid "only used # once" warning that occurs for users without IO::Uncompress # installed. undef $GunzipError; eval 'use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError);'; if ($@) { $has_uncompress_gunzip = 0; } } if (!$has_uncompress_gunzip) { verbose($verbose_level_debug, ' - IO::Uncompress::Gunzip is not installed.'); } else { verbose($verbose_level_debug, ' - Uncompressing backup file with'. ' IO::Uncompress::Gunzip.'); my ($bfh, $temp_backup_filename) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); my $result = gunzip( "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}" => $bfh); if ((defined($result)) && (-f "$temp_backup_filename") && (-r "$temp_backup_filename") && (-s "$temp_backup_filename")) { $backup_conf{'directory'} = ''; $backup_conf{'filename'} = "$temp_backup_filename"; return 0; } verbose($verbose_level_error, " ERROR: $GunzipError"); } } else { verbose($verbose_level_debug, '', 'Unrecognized uncompress program.'. ' Assuming backup file is compressed.', ' - If the file is not compressed, please do not specify'. ' a custom uncompress', ' program name.'); } # Try to uncompress the file with the uncompress binary. # With the approach, the original backup file will be uncompressed and # left uncompressed. my $safe_uncompress = $uncompress; $safe_uncompress =~ s/'/'\\''/sg; verbose($verbose_level_debug, " - Uncompressing backup file with $uncompress.", ' The original backup file will be left uncompressed.'. ' Please recompress,', ' if desired.'); my $backup_path = "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}"; $backup_path =~ s/'/'\\''/sg; my $output = `'$safe_uncompress' '$backup_path' 2>&1`; my $exit = $? >> 8; verbose($verbose_level_debug, '', "$uncompress exited with status: $exit"); if ($exit) { verbose($verbose_level_debug, "$uncompress output:", $output); } else { if (!-r "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}") { # Assume the final extension was removed by uncompressing. $backup_conf{'filename'} =~ s/\.\w+$//; if (!-r "$backup_conf{'directory'}/$backup_conf{'filename'}") { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to find uncompressed backup file.'); die("\nInvalid backup filename, stopped"); } } } return $exit; } sub do_hostname_change { my $exit = 0; if (!$new_hostname) { $exit++; verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Cannot change hostname without --new_hostname'. ' value.'); } if (!$old_hostname) { $exit++; verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Cannot change hostname without --old_hostname'. ' value.'); } if ($exit > 0) { die("\nInvalid --old/--new_hostname value(s) for". ' --change_hostname, stopped'); } # Get a list of all tables in the DB. if (defined($dbh)) { my $num_tables = 0; my $sth_tables; my $table_cat; my $table_schema; my $table_name; my $sth_columns; my $column_name; my $query; my $sth_update; my $result; $sth_tables = $dbh->table_info('', '', '', 'TABLE'); while (my $table = $sth_tables->fetchrow_hashref) { # Loop over all tables in the DB, checking for a hostname column. $num_tables++; $table_cat = $table->{'TABLE_CAT'}; $table_schema = $table->{'TABLE_SCHEM'}; $table_name = $table->{'TABLE_NAME'}; $sth_columns = $dbh->column_info($table_cat, $table_schema, $table_name, '%'); while (my $column = $sth_columns->fetchrow_hashref) { # If a hostname column exists, change its value. $column_name = $column->{'COLUMN_NAME'}; if (($column_name eq 'hostname') || ($column_name eq 'host')) { verbose($verbose_level_debug, "Found '$column_name' column in $table_name."); $query = "UPDATE $table_name SET $column_name = ?". " WHERE $column_name = ?"; $sth_update = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth_update->bind_param(1, $new_hostname); $sth_update->bind_param(2, $old_hostname); $result = $sth_update->execute; if (!defined($result)) { verbose($verbose_level_always, "Unable to update $column_name in table: ". $table_name, $sth_update->errstr); $exit++; } else { verbose($verbose_level_debug, 'Updated '. (($result == 0E0) ? '0' : $result) ." rows in table: $table_name"); } last; } } } if ($num_tables == 0) { verbose($verbose_level_always, 'Database is empty. Cannot change hostname.'); return 1; } # delete (orphaned) rows with hostname coded into chainid in tvchain # live-<hostname>-2008-06-26T18:43:18 $table_name = 'tvchain'; $query = "DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE chainid LIKE ?"; $sth_update = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth_update->bind_param(1, '%'.$old_hostname.'%'); $result = $sth_update->execute; if (!defined($result)) { verbose($verbose_level_debug, "Unable to remove orphaned $table_name rows.", $sth_update->errstr); } else { verbose($verbose_level_debug, 'Removed '. (($result == 0E0) ? '0' : $result) ." orphaned entries in table: $table_name"); } # hostname coded into SGweightPerDir setting in settings (modify) # SGweightPerDir:<hostname>:<directory> $table_name = 'settings'; $query = "UPDATE $table_name SET value = REPLACE(value, ?, ?)". " WHERE value LIKE ?"; $sth_update = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth_update->bind_param(1, 'SGweightPerDir:'.$old_hostname.':'); $sth_update->bind_param(2, 'SGweightPerDir:'.$new_hostname.':'); $sth_update->bind_param(3, 'SGweightPerDir:'.$old_hostname.':%'); $result = $sth_update->execute; if (!defined($result)) { verbose($verbose_level_always, 'Unable to update SGweightPerDir setting for host.', $sth_update->errstr); } else { verbose($verbose_level_debug, 'Updated '. (($result == 0E0) ? '0' : $result) .' SGweightPerDir settings.'); } } return $exit; } sub get_db_schema_ver { connect_to_database(1, 1) if (!defined($dbh)); if (!defined($dbh)) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to connect to database.'); return -1; } my $query = 'SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = ?'; if (defined($dbh)) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); if ($sth->execute('DBSchemaVer')) { while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $mysql_conf{'db_schemaver'} = $data[0]; verbose($verbose_level_debug, '', 'Found DBSchemaVer:'. " $mysql_conf{'db_schemaver'}."); } } else { verbose($verbose_level_debug, "Unable to retrieve DBSchemaVer from". " database."); } } return 0; } sub set_database_charset { return 0 if (!$create_database && !$drop_database); if (get_db_schema_ver && ! $mysql_conf{'db_schemaver'}) { verbose($verbose_level_error, "Unknown database schema version. Assuming current."); $mysql_conf{'db_schemaver'} = '1216'; } if ($mysql_conf{'db_schemaver'} > 1215) { connect_to_database(0, 1) if (!defined($dbh)); if (!defined($dbh)) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to connect to database.'); return -1; } verbose($verbose_level_debug, 'Setting database character set.'); my ($query, $sth); $query = qq{ALTER DATABASE $mysql_conf{'db_name'} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;}; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); if (! $sth->execute()) { verbose($verbose_level_error, '', 'ERROR: Unable to set database character set.', $sth->errstr); return -16; } } return 0; } sub restore_backup { my $exit = 0; my $defaults_extra_file = create_defaults_extra_file; my $host_arg = ''; my $port_arg = ''; my $user_arg = ''; my $filter = ''; if ($defaults_extra_file) { $defaults_arg = " --defaults-extra-file='$defaults_extra_file'"; } else { $defaults_arg = ''; } my $safe_mysql_client = $mysql_client; $safe_mysql_client =~ s/'/'\\''/g; # Create the args for host, port, and user, shell-escaping values, as # necessary. my $safe_string; if ($mysql_conf{'db_host'}) { $safe_string = $mysql_conf{'db_host'}; $safe_string =~ s/'/'\\''/g; $host_arg = " --host='$safe_string'"; } if ($mysql_conf{'db_port'} > 0) { $safe_string = $mysql_conf{'db_port'}; $safe_string =~ s/'/'\\''/g; $port_arg = " --port='$safe_string'"; } if ($mysql_conf{'db_user'}) { $safe_string = $mysql_conf{'db_user'}; $safe_string =~ s/'/'\\''/g; $user_arg = " --user='$safe_string'"; } # Configure a filter for a partial/new-host restore if ($partial_restore) { my @partial_restore_tables; if (defined($with_plugin_data)) {
  10. Lua é utilizada em programação de games com java junto ou outra linguagem de programação Lua é utilizada para programar partes dos aplicativos para tv digital Na programação para tv digital é utilizado as linguagens ncl, java, lua, xml e html Para procurar para programação para tv digital é so procura por middleware ginga ou simplesmente sistema ginga Que acaba aparecendo algo junto sobre lua
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